Upright Bikes

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Upright bikes

Upright bikes are popular. The Netherlands is known as a cycling country, but also for its changeable weather. Not an ideal combination, unless you can cycle indoors. Upright bikes make this possible and are therefore the perfect cardio device for the real cycling enthusiast. Thanks to this device – whatever the weather forecast – you can always get on your bike. This makes training a lot easier and you can never use the weather as an excuse again.

By cycling regularly you work on your condition and train the muscle groups in your legs. Because cycling is an endurance sport, you develop endurance and this is good for your health. Always make sure that your upright bike is properly adjusted, this way you ensure that your legs and knees are loaded correctly and you prevent injuries. Don’t know how to do this? Then let our professionals advise you. They are happy to guide you in the correct use of our equipment.

The best upright bikes

We sell used equipment from professional sports facilities. As a result, we have the best upright bikes that you can buy at a reduced rate. In this way we also make the purchase of professional equipment attractive for consumers. Naturally, all equipment has been checked, so that we can be sure that you can enjoy it for years to come. Do you think the prices are still a bit high? Please contact us and we will look at the possibilities. We also rent out most of the equipment, so that even more people can exercise on our cardio machines. Because the more people exercise, the healthier the Netherlands will become!

Buy upright bikes from private individuals?

If you are looking for a second-hand exercise bike, you’ve come to the right place. We sell professional equipment that is also available in gyms, but at a reduced rate. All equipment goes through a quality check, so we can guarantee that our equipment is in good condition. You do not have this warranty if you buy a device from a private individual. In addition, our employees are real professionals who can advise you which device suits you best. We can also adjust the devices to your body type and personal preferences.


Comparing exercise bikes is easy at Gym Warehouse. We have already made the first selection by purchasing only professional and high-quality devices. You can then choose what your budget is and filter by popularity. Can’t find anything that fits within your budget? Then we have good news, because you can also rent our devices. In this way we want to make our cardio equipment accessible to more people. Because everyone benefits if more people exercise. Not only does it contribute to better physical health, but it is also good for mental well-being. For this reason, we want sports (at home) to be accessible to everyone.

Create your own home gym with the equipment you prefer to exercise on. This way you can exercise at any time of the day without having to leave the house. Isn’t it great if you can exercise in the morning before work or don’t have to leave the house after coming home? Give yourself this luxury and invest in your health by creating a home gym. Compare our popular exercise bikes here and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Buy a cheap and good exercise bike here

Can an exercise bike be good and cheap? Because we encourage the reuse of equipment and want to contribute to a sustainable sports industry, you can buy sports equipment from us at a reduced rate. We ensure that quality devices are not thrown away, but become available to the consumer after thorough inspection. In this way we ensure that you can purchase good and relatively cheap exercise bikes. View all our exercise bikes here.

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